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Come with Funnystash to the Real Silent Hill in these VR Pictures

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 Gps Coordiantes  /  40.8086366,-76.340281

The Real Silent Hill Paranormal Panorama 360 Pictures


The town that inspired the cult story, books and games is actually a real place The Town Centralia Pennsylvania. This is an old mining town and one day a coal vein under the ground caught fire and the fire never stopped it spread through the entire of the town hundreds possibly thousands of feet below the town and the fire never stopped forcing mostly everyone to evacuate the town leaving it a ghost town people still pass through here but mostly in their cars as the deadly gasses being released under the ground has the potential to poison and cause people to lose consciousness with deadly carbon monoxide. This town is essentially condemned and their zip codes were discontinued in 1992, there are only seven resident who refuse to move and officials came to an agreement allowing them to live out the rest of their lives there, within a town full of poisonous gasses it may be a short lived request.


Link Location Gps 02


GPS / 40.7984246,-76.3396677


Link Location Gps 03


Gps Coordinates  /  40.7965501,-76.3430587


The town of Centralia dates back as far as 1749 however the mining only began in 1856 which is still considerably old, there's still debate which caused the fire but most blame it on burning the landfills by the local fire department in 1962 but only discovered the scale of the problem in 1979 by a gas station owner checking his underground fuel, i guess the lesson is never set large fires in locations nearby to untapped coal mines thousands of feet under the ground


Link Location Gps 04


Gps Coordinates  /  40.8003716,-76.3400217


Aerial Views of the town Centralia, known as the Real Silent Hill

Link Location Gps 05


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