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Extreme mental asylum in Australia in these Paranormal map view Panoramas

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Larundel mental asylum the birthplace of the manic asylum medicine Lithium, anyone else like that Nirvana track Lithium?

It wasn't like this at first, it taken decades to get it’s infamous rep, from the end of WWII to be over-run by the countries mentally unstable patients which would inevitably lead to it's demise, from 1937 to the construction after WWII to be turned into housing flats for new accommodation up until 1948, but slowly and ever so slowly it began turning into a self perpetuated asylum, then when fire damage eventually broke out it went it to full blown mental asylum of Larundel, so now it was officially declared a mental asylum, but not just any it hosted most of the worst mentally insane and in some cases the most criminally insane at the time with the serial killer Peter Dupas an Australian serial killer and all round nut job


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GPS coordinates / -37.710963, 145.049864

There were men hosted at this asylum but through the years it became primarily a female asylum, from 1953 from the 360 patients 270 were female,it still continued to operate through the 90's and was only shut down and abandoned in 1999
Since it closed in 1999 it has attracted alot of attention from paranormal enthusiasts who claim there was a death of a girl who would regularly play music as she loved her music box and it can still be heard on the 3rd floor just before midnight claim the paranormal investigators, they also claim there can be loud banging still heard, children crying, with strange smells and atmospheres
GPS coordinates / -37.711111, 145.050054

Junction box room of the Asylum for the mentally ill and criminally insane, was there electroshock treatment carried out in this facility, who knows, just best advised to not camp a hammock up in this room if your a keen subscriber of self health, but if you love being terrified at regular midnight intervals then this room is for you
GPS coordinates / -37.711069, 145.050025
Even with the destruction this prior insane asylum still manages to maintain it's unnatural silhouette of creepiness
GPS coordinates / -37.711036, 145.050095

Recommended background music soundtrack for these mental Asylum Panorama360s is Lithium by Nirvana
Larundel mental asylum the birthplace of the manic asylum medicine Lithium, anyone else like that Nirvana track Lithium?

GPS coordinates / -37.711205, 145.049933
So have you ever wondered what the outside of a real infamous abandoned insane asylum looked like

GPS coordinates / -37.710296, 145.049400
Aerial View of the Paranormal Insane Asylum in Australia in these VR Pictures

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