Come with Funnystash to an isolated Reef off Guinea in these Ocean Travel Locations
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Gps Coordinates / 2.8410595,131.8104168
Helen Reef Ocean Panorama 360s
The Helen Reef in an almost self made organic archipelago which answers to noone, it’s a pink unicorn rebel of a reef that shouldn’t exist, it lays 400 miles from the Philippines without any neighbor or islands, which is unusual for reefs at least as large as this one, apart from mainland countries so any turbulence it would get the brunt of it without protection from nearby islands to help it thwart off storms. The fish that inhabit this Reef have to be unique and we’re really quite surprised how colorful this reef still is because the color shows the reefs health and this reef is quite colorful for unexplained reasons you would have thought neighboring four countries would have been detrimental to the reef but she looks quite hardy and fish numerous, that’s not to say it’ll stay this way and we have to fight ocean pollution to help these little guys, one fight at a time, at least we know the little dudes we’re fighting for
Professional divers sharing samples holding very advanced film equipment
GPS Coordinates / 2.841092, 131.810374
Gps Coordinates / 2.899694,131.7805477
Aerial view of the Helen Reef, showcasing the remoteness of the endangered reef