A Giant ancient Boner Cerne Abbas Monument on the hills of England in these News-Weather-Mysterious 360° map view Panoramas
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Gps Coordinates / 50.8128228,-2.4803583
Giants Erection Boner Mystery Panorama 360 Pictures
Cerne Giant Viewpoint, 38 Acreman St, Cerne Abbas, Dorchester DT2 7JX
Shrouded In Myth and Mystery is a giants erect boner on the hills of England, nobody has any idea of how it got there but it’s mere speculation to anyone who is sure what this turf outline filled with chalk is. The backdrop scenery has been used in so many films but not so much the artwork was what the production crews were looking for so decided to keep the Abbas Giants boner from it. The Simpsons film did a promotion where they put Homer Simpsons head on the opposite field which is all i can think of at the moment
GPS coordinates / 50.812928, -2.480657
Aerial View Of Giants Erection Boner
The Cerne Abbas Giant is a hill figure near the village of Cerne Abbas in Dorset, England. 180 feet high, it depicts a standing nude male with a prominent erection and wielding a large club in its right hand. Like many other hill figures it is outlined by shallow trenches cut in the turf and backfilled with chalk rubble. It is listed as a scheduled monument of England, the site is now owned by the National Trust.
Gps Coordinates / 50.8127625,-2.4807068
The origin and age of the figure are unclear and there is archaeological evidence that parts of it have been lost, altered or added over time, the earliest written record dates to the late 17th century. Early antiquarians associated it, on little evidence, with a Saxon deity, while other scholars sought to identify it with a Romano-British figure of Hercules or some syncretisation of the two.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -2.4809419 / Gps Link -2.4805834 / Gps Link -2.4804851
Gps Coordinates / 50.8126848,-2.4809419 / 50.8127618,-2.4805834 / 50.8126674,-2.4804851
The lack of earlier descriptions, along with information given to the 18th-century antiquarian John Hutchins, has led some scholars to conclude it dates from the 17th century, but recent optically stimulated luminescence testing has suggested an origin between the years 700 CE and 1110 CE, possibly close to the 10th century date of the founding of nearby Cerne Abbey.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -2.4806001 / Gps Link -2.4807085 / Gps Link -2.4807593
Gps Coordinates / 50.8127949,-2.4806001 / 50.8129849,-2.4807085 / 50.8130663,-2.4807593
It has interesting areas to visit once your done staring at the mysterious giant erection boner, you can check out the local streams and graveyards or pop by the local ancient Abbey for a stare
The Giant is located just outside the small village of Cerne Abbas in Dorset, about 30 miles west of Bournemouth and 16 miles north of Weymouth