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Come with Funnystash to the Roskilde Festival 2015 in these Panorama 360s

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 Gps Coordinates  /  55.6212277,12.0768791


Roskilde Festival 2015/2016 Panorama 360° VR Concert

 J3CG+FQR Roskilde, Denmark



The Roskilde Festival is an annual music festival held south of Roskilde in Denmark. It is one of the largest music festivals in Europe and the largest in Northern Europe. It was created in 1971 by two high school students, Mogens Sandfær and Jesper Switzer Møller, and promoter Carl Fischer. In 1972, the festival was taken over by the Roskilde Foundation, which has since run the festival as a non-profit organization for development and support of music, culture and humanism. In 2014, the Roskilde Foundation provided festival participants with the opportunity to nominate and vote upon which organizations should receive funds raised by the festival.


Link Location Gps 55.6194577


 Gps Coordinates  /  55.6194577,12.0742596



Link Location Gps 55.6209269


 GPS Coordinates / 55.6209269,12.0760044

The Roskilde Festival is an annual music festival held south of Roskilde in Denmark. It is one of the largest music festivals in Europe and the largest in Northern Europe. It was created in 1971 by two high school students, Mogens Sandfær and Jesper Switzer Møller, and promoter Carl Fischer. In 1972, the festival was taken over by the Roskilde Foundation, which has since run the festival as a non-profit organization for development and support of music, culture and humanism. In 2014, the Roskilde Foundation provided festival participants with the opportunity to nominate and vote upon which organizations should receive funds raised by the festival.

Link Location Gps 55.6211824


 Gps Coordinates  /  55.6211824,12.0754726

The Roskilde Festival was Denmark's first music-oriented festival created for hippies, and today covers more of the mainstream youth from Scandinavia and the rest of Europe. The Roskilde Festival 2013 had more than 180 performing bands and was attended by some 130,000 festival goers, along with more than 21,000 volunteers, 5,000 media people and 3,000 artists – totaling almost 160,000 people who participated in the festival.

Until the mid-1990s, the festival attracted mostly Scandinavians, but in recent years it has become more and more international with an especially large influx of Germans, Australians and British.


Link Location Gps 55.6217142


Gps Coordinates  /  55.6217142,12.075486


Until the mid-1990s, the festival attracted mostly Scandinavians, but in recent years it has become more and more international with an especially large influx of Germans, Australians and British.

Aerial view from above


Aerial View Of Roskilde Festival 2015/2016


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