Visit, Find, Stash Part Two of The Burning Man 2016 newly updated version
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Gps Cordinate Directions / 40.7910958,-119.2001367
Burning Man Festival 2016 Part Two Panorama 360 VR Concert
Burning Man 2016 Part Two 12:00, Nevada, United States 85G2QQRX+CW
David Best and the Temple 2016 Crew
"It’s a large temple structure made out of plywood, similar to the temples that I’ve built in the desert. It’s about 90 feet tall. It has a large chandelier and four altars. I’ve been going to and working with Burning Man for 18 years, and have built eight temples in the desert."
Catacomb rises like a rocky outcropping off the desert floor, evoking Black Rock Point itself. It is a ruin of a previous society– a remnant of our collective search for moments of quiet, introspection and reflection. It is a journey of discovery and a descent into a subterranean world. A path winds up to the Narthex at the eastern Pyramid and from this vantage point, the inward descent begins. Ancient relics of a collective history grace the walls as shafts of light illuminate effigies and offerings. These are moments in our primeval memory, inviting us further downward and inward into ourselves. The journey culminates in an inner sanctum– a sanctuary of veils– a confluence of concealment, revelation and sublime beauty.
David Best and the Temple Crew / Catacomb of Veils Dan Sullivan Catacomb Crew
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -119.1908882 / Gps Link -119.1936722 / Gps Link -119.1943893
Gps Coordinates / 40.7833466,-119.1908882 / 40.7893715,-119.1936722 / 40.7895926,-119.1943893
Burningman CEO 2016 final message
Creative inspiration as it is found in Black Rock City is singular in its persistence. More than twenty years ago, that inspiration leapt the event’s boundaries, carried home by hand and heart into the year-round lives of its participants, and later, picked up and localized by Burners who never set foot in that desert city. Our organization strived to keep up with and report on all the manifestations of that inspiration, and to support them with resources and intercommunication to help them grow. Many of the programs and projects that Burning Man supports today began as responses to requests received back then.
Link Location Gps -119.2078806
Gps Coordinates / 40.7855205,-119.2078806
Transitioning to a nonprofit has been like adding rocket fuel to the flame, launching us into a whole new era of Burning Man. Today, Black Rock City is but one node in a global network of participants, collaborations, and organizations. Civic actions, nonprofit partnerships, events, public art, community support efforts, and education initiatives are just some of the current manifestations of this unfolding worldwide culture.
While we still sprint as fast as ever to keep up with this constant creative and social evolution, today we are proud to say that Burning Man is truly a platform for creative participation all over the world.
Marian Goodell
CEO/Chief Engagement Officer
Burning Man
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -119.1959482 / Gps Link -119.2017899 / Gps Link -119.2004102
Gps Coordinates / 40.789757,-119.1959482 / 40.7885246,-119.2017899 / 40.7911628,-119.2004102
Message from the Chief Transition Officer 2016 Final Message
Burning Man’s legacy is built upon a volunteer-driven ethos, which invites many voices to be heard and to influence our very nature: our day-to-day operations, our communications and collaborations with others, and even our development in the global arena. It remains imperative that we stay true to these roots so that volunteerism will continue to thrive. I’m pleased that in 2016 we were able to revitalize our commitment to volunteerism and nurture its influence on our growth in the world.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -119.2002922 / Gps Link -119.2000105 / Gps Link -119.1999651
Gps Coordinates / 40.7913618,-119.2002922 / 40.7914214,-119.2000105 / 40.7914001,-119.1999651
In 2016, we developed an action plan for strengthening our support for volunteers, including improving communication, developing training resources, examining tools and processes, and creating new opportunities for engagement. We created the Volunteer Leadership Council as an independent body, to nourish the spirit of participation and volunteerism. To further anchor us in our mission, we also forged new relationships and deepened others with like-minded institutions, programs and cities. We officially affiliated with Burning Man Netherlands and continued our engagement with The White House’s Nation of Makers initiative. We also further developed our Fellows program and refined our fiscal sponsorship work to support and extend our efforts, at home and abroad.
Harley K. DuBois
Chief Transition Officer
Burning Man
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -119.1999351 / Gps Link -119.1961434 / Gps Link -119.2129486
Gps Coordinates / 40.7913999,-119.1999351 / 40.7943446,-119.1961434 / 40.7928309,-119.2129486
Shrumen Lumen is a garden of oversized mushrooms, made of folded geometry that allows their bodies to undulate in various patterns. Building off a similar aesthetic and folding strategy as Blumen Lumen, a garden of flowers on the Playa in 2014, the new garden aims to have a more significant kinetic movement and improved lighting. People will be able to interact with the mushrooms and affect how they move simply by being present in the sculpture garden. At night, the flowers light up internally and will react to the sounds around them.
FoldHaus Mushroom origami entitled - Shrumen Lumen
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -119.2072144 / Gps Link -119.2140555 / Gps Link -119.2188062
Gps Coordinates / 40.7906303,-119.2072144 / 40.7986572,-119.2140555 / 40.7899244,-119.2188062
Our installation is called Shrumen Lumen (2016)—a garden of three origami mushrooms with caps that expand and contract from a flat umbrella portobello into a bulbous cap when activated by visitors, creating a surprising and delightful experience. Nearly every one of the hundreds of parts for each mushroom were custom made by the FoldHaus team, an art collective based in the San Francisco Bay Area and currently led by Joerg Student and Jesse Silver. Many of the FoldHaus members work at, or have worked at, the design firm IDEO, where members spend weekends and evenings building and creating art. Each mushroom is made of 18 sheets of corrugated plastic, hand-folded and carefully welded together. A solid mechanical structure made of aluminum and steel defines the shape of the mushroom head, and an umbrella-like mechanism powered by an industrial actuator causes the cap to change shape. At night, over 1,600 LED lights create a spectacle for those near or far.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -119.2190048 / Gps Link -119.223415 / Gps Link -119.2083834
Gps Coordinates / 40.789691,-119.2190048 / 40.7861992,-119.223415 / 40.7852424,-119.2083834
2016 gave us a huge opportunity to examine what we do through the lens of creating improvements to support for artists, extending our work through Burners Without Borders, and setting the building blocks in place that allow us to share our work through civic arts and community events. All of this is possible due to the hundreds of engaged Burning Man participants and community leaders worldwide who give their time, thought, and passion to this work and collaborate with those of us on the Arts and Civic Engagement team.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -119.2188996 / Gps Link -119.2179495 / Gps Link -119.2179703
Gps Coordinates / 40.7810566,-119.2188996 / 40.7795191,-119.2179495 / 40.7795864,-119.2179703
Lounge Area is a total circus with an overly relaxing bar with snug tucked up vans wrapped in security blankets
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -119.2140656 / Gps Link -119.2180208 / Gps Link -119.208407
Gps Coordinates / 40.7808113,-119.2140656 / 40.7798542,-119.2180208 / 40.7779241,-119.208407
Art is a not a mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it.
Berthold Brecht This concept drives my creative process. The goal of this piece is to raise the awareness of the human population to the devastation being wrought by our species on the oceans, which give life to our planet. The piece will rotate on a central bearing when it is actuated by human interaction. A gentle push will cause the rotation to simulate the movement of a school of sharks, swimming lazily in a rising spiral current. My goal is to underline the contrast of the beauty of schooling sharks in their ocean community, and the wasteful horror of shark finning by the human community. From a distance, the low profile of the turntable will show the school, to draw the playa community closer until the view is of the small cloud of sharks from below. Here will be placed the Ghost Shark on its back, as if lying finned and dead on the bottom in stark
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -119.2020312 / Gps Link -119.2041202 / Gps Link -119.1906924
Gps Coordinates / 40.7824083,-119.2020312 / 40.7841006,-119.2041202 / 40.7773632,-119.1906924
Visualized as a grove of beautiful low hanging trees, Grove is an interactive art installation that uses breath sensors to create a meditative and immersive experience. A reflection on the interdependence of breath, Grove uses biofeedback sensors, connecting our inner workings with tangible art installations. Grove brings together artists from India with neurotechnologists and architects from America, making it a truly global collaboration. Grove is a meditation on the interdependence of breath. Every time we breathe in, we inhale the ‘out breath’ of a tree around us, placing ourselves in a constant state of union between the macro-forest outside, and the micro-forest of alveoli within our lungs. Grove uses technology related to the quantified self, to break down the idea of self entirely and to remind us that we are all interconnected, through breath, to every living creature on this planet; from the leaves on trees to the sand of the desert.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -119.2005873 / Gps Link -119.2010463 / Gps Link -119.1944252
Gps Coordinates / 40.7901759,-119.2005873 / 40.7907802,-119.2010463 / 40.8014543,-119.1944252
David Best and the Temple Crew
"I think Burning Man is taking it very seriously. Right now, given the climate we have in our government and in our country, is a very important time for Burning Man to be exposed to the larger public. I think it’s going to help spread its principles to the outside world. I was talking to someone from the BBC about the difference between the art that comes from Burning Man and the art that comes from the general public—nothing at Burning Man is for sale. The work that people make in the desert doesn’t have a value on it. There’s no market value on what I do, or on what other artists at Burning Man do. It’s a gift, it’s designed not to sell in the commercial market but to share with the community. And people are amazed at something that’s built not for sale, not for profit."
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -119.200217 / Gps Link -119.218989 / Gps Link -119.203017
Gps Coordinates / 40.773400,-119.200217 / 40.791536,-119.218989 / 40.788644,-119.203017
Da Vinci’s Workshop was the annual art theme in 2016, and Black Rock City rose as imagined through the Italian Renaissance of the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. This philosophical theme sought to combine Burning Man art, maker culture and creative philanthropy to make Black Rock City the epicenter of a new renaissance.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -119.203017 / Gps Link -119.208378 / Gps Link -119.203017
Gps Coordinates / 40.788644,-119.203017 / 40.785333,-119.208378 / 40.788644,-119.203017
2016 Facts and Figures
67,290 participants collaborated to create yet another vibrant city in the dust.
Fire: 18 burning art projects, 36 flame effects projects, and 12 pyro projects lit up the city’s skyline.
Mutant vehicles are the roaming art projects we love to explore BRC aboard. In 2016 we received 891 applications and approved 800. 172 were a no-show and 7 didn’t meet specifications at inspection, resulting in a total of 624.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -119.203017 / Gps Link -119.203017 / Gps Link -119.2030177
Gps Coordinates / 40.788644,-119.203017 / 40.788644,-119.203017 / 40.7886448,-119.2030177
In 2016 we were once again graced with a stunning Temple designed by the one-and-only David Best. His tenth Temple for Black Rock City, aptly named The Temple Project, this one took a departure in style and materials from many of his past creations. Instead of the usual intricately cut, filigreed wood, this one was made from lumber aged to look weathered and old. The result was a visually striking piece that more than fulfilled its promise to serve as the spiritual home of our city.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -119.203017
Gps Coordinates / 40.788644,-119.203017
300 new Yellow Bikes, for a total of 686 bikes participating in our participant created and supported bike share program.
Camps: Black Rock City’s Placement team placed a total of 1,359 camps:
892 Theme Camps
68 villages
90 art support camps
27 work support camps
48 Mutant Vehicle camps
Recycle Camp had its biggest year ever, recycling approximately 3 3/4 tons or 7,500 lbs. of aluminum. This produced a rebate of close to $2000, which was donated to the local schools in Gerlach.
Lost & Found received over 2,400 items in 2016. Thanks to the diligent and generous attention of a team of volunteers, this process returned 75% of IDs, 63% of phones and 50% of backpacks lost in Black Rock City.
David Best and the Temple Crew, The Temple at Burning Man 2016
Link Location Gps -119.1999704
Gps Coordinates / 40.79124,-119.1999704
Nantes, France: A $15,000 grant from Burning Man Project helped Jon Sarriguarte and Kyrsten Mate’s Serpent Twins and Android Jones’ Samskara to participate by invitation in Maker Faire Nantes, at the world-renowned Les Machines de l’île Festival, a celebration of larger-than-life artworks and wild mechanical wonders, attended by thousands.
Visit our Funnystash of The BurningMan 2016 Part One - >
This Funnystash Is Part Two
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Full Moon Party Island Festival 2015/2016
Tomorrowland Festival 2015 2016
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