Come With Us to the Shining Hotel in these 360 panorama VR map view Film Locations
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Gps Coordinates / 40.3826437,-105.5191755
The Shining Stanley Hotel Vr Map Locations
333 E Wonderview Ave, Estes Park, CO 80517, United States
The shining hotel from the well! The Shining film based on the book by Stephen King and directed by the legendary Stanley Kubrick. The movie was one of the longest Kubrick films it taken over 5 years to make, he was actually meant to be Directing the film The Exorcist as Kubrick was an avid horror fan so instead this film was to be his debut to horror, but as The Exorcist achieved his main goal was to terrify his audience in ways not seen before. It is rumored that Kubrick was no fan of Stephen King as the time and thought of his writing as weak by at least Kubrick standards and worked on a lengthy draft without Stephen King. They still both deeply admired one another but on core principles of the script they disagreed on as he didn’t believe in a Hell and King did. Kubrick hired his family to work on set of the shining that consisted of his wife, daughter, brother in laws and wife so finding out key information about the film after Kubricks sad passing is still made possible through his family.
Stairwell n Ghost
Link Location Gps -105.5191883
GPS Coordinates / 40.3829,-105.5191883
Where the film The Shining was filmed and the book based by stephen King if your a fan of great horror or suspense then this hotel is for you, Shining Memorabilia
GPS Coordinates / 40.382789, -105.519520
Link Location Gps -105.5195223
Gps Coordinates / 40.3827882,-105.5195223
“ALL WORK AND NO PLAY” was actually typed by Kubrick himself, all 500 pages worth instead of going to the prop department he decided to ascend into his own madness. At the time those typewriters had memories so you could repeat easily but there were far too many typos and rearranged words that there would be a pattern if it were used, there was no pattern of memory on the typewriter, plus it would defeat the purpose of understanding the character. One thing’s for sure, Jack Nicholson improvised the lines “Here’s Johnny” The scenes that were shot in the studio mysteriously burned down, pity they didn’t use salt to put out the fire as they had enough of it, the snow scenes at the end would consist of as much as ten hundred tons of salt that would be used and some styrofoam to mimic snow in the winter maze scene
Hi, Lloyd. Little slow tonight, isn't it?
Link Location Gps -105.5193639
Gps Coordinates / 40.3830778,-105.5193639
Reconstructing the Maze, what maze! You are kidding right?
Link Location Gps -105.5191765
GPS Coordinates / 40.3827448,-105.5191765
An Aerial View of the Shining Film Set Location Hotel The Stanley Hotel, it gathers snow like the film during the winter
Aerial View Of The Shining Stanley Hotel Vr