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Set on the shore of Lake Shikaribetsu doubles as igloo lodge tourism 360-s vr locations

Japan Igloos Hokkaido Hotel Fusui BnB Virtual Hotel

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 Gps Coordinates  /  43.2727284,143.1046196


Japan Igloos Hokkaido Hotel Fusui BnB Virtual Hotel

Shikaribetsu Kohan Onsen Hotel Fusui


Located in Daisetsu National Park, it is frozen over in winter.




Japan Igloos Hokkaido Hotel Fusui BnB Virtual Hotel 1

 Link Location Gps 43.2725379

Gps Coordinates  /  43.2725379,143.1050866

Everything surrounding the lake is covered by snow. One almost forgets that there is a lake.




Japan Igloos Hokkaido Hotel Fusui BnB Virtual Hotel tmb1Japan Igloos Hokkaido Hotel Fusui BnB Virtual Hotel tmb2Japan Igloos Hokkaido Hotel Fusui BnB Virtual Hotel tmb3

 Link Location Gps  /  Link Gps 43.2723858Link Gps 43.2721643  /  Link Gps 43.2721297

Gps Coordinates  /  43.2723858,143.1054414  /  43.2721643,143.1060162  / 43.2721297,143.1061277 

On the lake, a village (kotan) of igloos (Eskimo-style houses) is built. There is also an open-air bath, filled with hot spring water from Shikaribetsu Onsen (hot springs), on the frozen lake.




Japan Igloos Hokkaido Hotel Fusui BnB Virtual Hotel tmb4Japan Igloos Hokkaido Hotel Fusui BnB Virtual Hotel tmb5Japan Igloos Hokkaido Hotel Fusui BnB Virtual Hotel tmb6

 Link Location Gps  /  Link Gps 43.2718896Link Gps 43.2711985  /  Link Gps 43.2723872

Gps Coordinates  /  43.2718896,143.1068816  /  43.2711985,143.109604  /  43.2723872,143.1086455

Everyone can bathe together during the day, but the bathing hours for men and women are separate from the evening. One can relax and warm up while stargazing. Many hands-on experience events are also held, including practical ice glass making, snowmobiling, walking around the forest and sleeping overnight in a sleeping bag in the Ice Lodge, Igloo.




Japan Igloos Hokkaido Hotel Fusui BnB Virtual Hotel 2

  Link Location Gps 43.2714867

Gps Coordinates  /  43.2714867,143.1047167

The Shikaribetsu Lake Kotan appears on the frozen surface of Lake Shikaribetsu in winter. Kotan is an Ainu word, meaning village. An open-air hot bath on ice, Ice Bar and igloo (originally the name of an Inuit's ice-built residence), built using nature's blessings of snow, ice and the cold. The extremities of cold must be experienced! Source:-


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