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16th Century Fort that fought against Colonialism by Wahhabist tribes in UAE

Fort 16th Century Fujairah VR UAE

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 Gps Coordinates  /  25.137726,56.3368803


Fort 16th Century Fujairah VR UAE

48QP+FRH بجوار متحف - Al Sharyah - Fujairah - United Arab Emirates




Dating back to the 16th century, it is the among the oldest as well as the largest castles in the country.


 It is probably the oldest fort in the UAE and was occupied by the Wahhabists.

Fort 16th Century Fujairah VR UAE 1

Link Location Gps 25.1384172

Gps Coordinates  /  25.1384172,56.336869

It is noted for playing significant roles in fighting back the wave of colonialism. Today, it is among the main tourist attractions in the city.



 Radio carbon dating has identified the date of the construction as around 1500–1550.

Fort 16th Century Fujairah VR UAE tmb1Fort 16th Century Fujairah VR UAE tmb2Fort 16th Century Fujairah VR UAE tmb3Fort 16th Century Fujairah VR UAE tmb4

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link 25.1364628  /  Gps Link 25.1381081  /  Gps Link 25.1387155  /  Gps Link 25.1388612

Gps Coordinates  /  25.1364628,56.3354282  /  25.1381081,56.3378654  /  25.1387155,56.3371539  /  25.1388612,56.3370133


The fort is located about 2 km from central modern Fujairah in the old Fujairah region, on a small rocky hill which reaches 20 meters high. It is around 1 km away from the coast.


 The fort is part of a complex with several old houses and a mosque.

Fort 16th Century Fujairah VR UAE 2

Link Location Gps 25.138215


Gps Coordinates  /  25.138215,56.3371209


It is guarded by three round watchtowers and a square watchtower.


The watchtowers and main building are connected by the walls, and there is a central hall surrounded by these towers and wall. The irregular shape of the castle is due to the uneven surface of the rock it sits on.




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