Desert island tour complete with catamaran boat in these Google Map 360° VR location panoramas
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Gps Coordinates / -18.5535093,43.8932522
Desert Islands Madagascar Catamaran boat Map VR
Mozambique Channel
You can walk around the other desert islands named Nosy Dondosy a chain of islands out of the reaches of Madagascar alot of beauty spots around here, hurry quick before the lumber-jacks come though :'(
Gps Coordinates -18.555635, 43.892673
Some nice shoreline islands where the locals use homemade Catamaran boats to navigate from island to island from the shores
Aerial View Desert Islands Madagascar Catamaran boat
There's islands dotted all around Madgascar, and Catamaran communities all over the islands for transport, to think Westerners used to laugh at the Catamarans primitive look, it's now considered cutting edge sailing technology within the boating communities in the western worlds now
Gps Coordinates / -18.5540892,43.8977993
Family Photo Google HI-tech Sky-net style
Gps Coordinates / -18.4898909,43.8024606