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Undead Zombie France 2015 Walk in these Panorama 360 Locations

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Undead Zombie Walk Geek Panoramic 360 Pictures


2015 - 1 Parc de l'Étoile, 67000 Strasbourg, France



Every year in September, thousands of zombies from all over the world invade the heart of Europe, parading and demanding the right to exist. The largest zombie gathering in France is also one of the largest zombie walks in Europe

Many marched this Saturday afternoon through the streets of central Strasbourg on the occasion of a Zombie Walk, walk of the living dead


Marking the launch of the 2015 European Fantastic Film Festival

Link Location Gps 02


As many as 5,000 people in attendance to march through Strasbourg France to what is now becoming a regular theme to celebrate the Strasbourg european film festival


Undead Zombie Walk Geek Panoramic 360 Pictures tmb1Undead Zombie Walk Geek Panoramic 360 Pictures tmb2Undead Zombie Walk Geek Panoramic 360 Pictures tmb3

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link 7.754312  /  Gps Link 7.754313  /  Gps Link 7.754314

Gps Coordinates  /  48.574036,7.754312  /  48.574036,7.754313  /  48.574036,7.754314

Festive moment will have taken place before departure, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., during make-up, carried out free of charge by the students of the Candice-Mack


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After being disfigured by the make-up artists of the Candice Mack school, the monsters crossed the city to the Place de la Bourse.


A zombie walk is an organized public gathering of people who dress up in zombie costumes. Participants usually meet in an urban center and make their way around the city streets and public spaces (or a series of taverns in the case of a zombie pub crawl) in an orderly fashion. Zombie walks can be organized simply for entertainment or with a purpose, such as setting a world record or promoting a charitable cause. Originating in North America during the 2000s, zombie walks have occurred throughout the world.


Link Location Gps 04


 A fan zone on Place Kléber will ensure security. Zombies should not wear bulky bags, glass bottles, or face-closing costumes.


Undead Zombie Walk Geek Panoramic 360 Pictures tmb4Undead Zombie Walk Geek Panoramic 360 Pictures tmb5Undead Zombie Walk Geek Panoramic 360 Pictures tmb6

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link 7.754315  /  Gps Link 7.754316  /  Gps Link 7.754317

Gps Coordinates  /  48.574036,7.754315  /  48.574036,7.754316  /  48.574036,7.754317


 At the end of the course, the living dead set off in a spectacular " zombie release ", heading for the refreshment bar, for a "zombie aperitif" and two evening concerts.


Around 5,000 participants bearing artistically hideous facial wounds took part in the zombie walk, timed to coincide with Strasbourg's European Fantastic Film Festival, which features everything from sci-fi to horror movies.

“It's cool to be dead because you can do what you want, you can live your life,” 12-year-old ‘zombie' Eléonore told BFM TV, her comment echoing the general good humour surrounding the horrific event.


 A popular event organized on Facebook, it was already the seventh edition of the Zombie Walk in Strasbourg.

Link Location Gps 05




 The Marche de Strasbourg is one of the biggest events of its kind in France, since the first Zombie Walks which landed in the United States a few years prior.

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