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OJ Simpson Los Angeles Low Speed Police Chase from the highway to his home in Brentwood to a police negotiation standoff arrival

OJ Simpson Los Angeles VR Police Chase

Link Location Gps  ← Find Best directions

 Gps Coordinates  /  33.9615332,-118.369278


OJ Simpson Los Angeles VR Police Chase

XJ6J+J79 Inglewood, California, USA




Some highway routes have changed over-time so we got today's route as close as we could with modern roads, the great earthquake of Sanfransico that killed many in the mid 1990's was only months fresh at this point so major destruction and construction of the routes were quite fresh. These roads got a major makeover on the coming years due to recent disasters.


OJ Simpson was holding a gun to his head throughout the chase


Police begin to trace OJ at around 5:51 PM when OJ leaves a series of distressed 911 Calls, dispatchers soon coordinate his whereabouts

OJ Simpson Los Angeles VR Police Chase 1

Link Location Gps 33.9721355

Gps Coordinates  /  33.9721355,-118.3785167

 This highway was undergoing mass reconstruction due to the catastophic earthquakes that destroyed many highways so nothing matches up exactly the same as can be witnesses on these Panorama360s but it's very obviously close to it's original pursuit days of June 1994 as that damaging earthquake only happened a few months earlier on January 17th 1994 major reconstruction of these highways were underway.



As each overpass Mr Simpson passes the crowds become larger and more intense.

"It was one of the most bizarre spectacles ever: An internationally known sports hero turned movie star, accused of murder, on the run in the metro area. At about 35 miles per hour and on national TV. It happened 20 years ago this evening."


They begin chase at 5 freeway, Mr Simpson seems to be obeying the speed limits rarely reaching higher speeds while only disobeying right of ways and traffic junctions

OJ Simpson Los Angeles VR Police Chase tmb1OJ Simpson Los Angeles VR Police Chase tmb2OJ Simpson Los Angeles VR Police Chase tmb3

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link 34.0530346  /  Gps Link 33.9615332  /  Gps Link 33.9615075

Gps Coordinates  /  34.0530346,-118.4498015  /  33.9615332,-118.369278  /  33.9615075,-118.3692941

Nation watches on TV as O.J Simpson leads cops on freeway chase
"After holding a gun to his head during a harrowing police chase and threatening to shoot himself, accused killer O.J. Simpson surrendered to authorities last night as millions of stunned television viewers watched the tragic journey of a great American hero unfold."


New York Daily News - Saturday, June 18, 1994
"Police pursue O.J Simpson's white vehicle on Los Angeles freeway. O.J. was passenger in car driven by his friend, Al Cowlings. Chase climaxed day in which Simpson, accused of two murders, wrote 'suicide' note, went on lam - but surrendered at en of chase."




At one point police spoke with OJ - but he refused to submit. As Al Cowlings (OJ) drove, he kept the gun to his head and demanded to speak to his mother. 

OJ Simpson Los Angeles VR Police Chase tmb4OJ Simpson Los Angeles VR Police Chase tmb5OJ Simpson Los Angeles VR Police Chase tmb6

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link 34.0619519  /  Gps Link 34.0619828  /  Gps Link 34.0619728

Gps Coordinates  /  34.0619519,-118.4906506  /  34.0619828,-118.4904132  /  34.0619728,-118.4904415

Hundreds of police swarmed inside surrounded Simpson's mansion while nearby, thousands gathered in a circus-like atmosphere chanting, "Juice! Juice! Juice!"



Organized scramble of chaos by police pursuit comes to a finale here who would later surrender

OJ Simpson Los Angeles VR Police Chase tmb7OJ Simpson Los Angeles VR Police Chase tmb8

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link 34.0619772  /  Gps Link 34.0619731

Gps Coordinates  /  34.0619772,-118.4904266  /  34.0619731,-118.4904432

Local news stations catch gossip of the pursuing altercation and begin to divert traffic away from Game 5 of the wildly popular NBA to this new style of cultural phenomenon of celebrities having mental breaks in front entire audiences of enabling crowds who seem to enjoy the many quirks of what the spirals entail


OJ's standoff area with police still looks the same the gate is different but not by much we've reimposed the old gate seen here

OJ Simpson Los Angeles VR Police Chase 2

Link Location Gps 34.0619784


Gps Coordinates  /  34.0619784,-118.490416


Earlier in the day, Simpson left behind three suicide notes, one for his mother, one for his children in which he said, "I can't go on" and proclaimed his innocence. 


Many roads are unrecognisable today but we managed to track down the areas that still remain it's media hype nostalgic charm


You cannot take the exact same path today due to mass reconstruction to the roads since then, but you can get close to the areas that remain today

OJ Simpson Los Angeles VR Police Chase 3

Los Angeles Map



After Speaking with his mother and waiting for Shapiro to arrive, Simpson surrenders to authorities. 


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