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Lordsport (S02E02)

Ballintoy Harbor, Northern Ireland

Gps Coordinates  /  55.2441324,-6.3685947


Game Of Thrones Show Vr Map Locations

 Harbour Rd, Ballintoy, Ballycastle BT54 6LX



During the reign of House Hoare as Kings of the Iron Islands, ships from Lordsport began to trade at Lannisport, Oldtown, and the Free Cities. Corlys Velaryon sailed to Oldtown, Lannisport, and Lordsport when he was a young man. During Greyjoy's Rebellion, Lordsport and its timber and wattle keep were the first places on Pyke to fall when King Robert I Baratheon and his forces landed on the island. The keep and the village were razed and the sept was burned to the ground.


Beyond the Wall (S07E06)

Vatnajökull, Iceland

 Link Location Gps -16.9751546


Gps Coordinates  /  64.0272141,-16.9751546


The lands beyond the Wall are primarily wild, untamed and uncharted. The climate is harsh and bitter, especially in the far north in the Lands of Always Winter. The region immediately north of the Wall includes the haunted forest, a vast taiga-forest which covers most of the area, extending from the Wall to the furthest lands of Thenn. While no true roads exist, numerous game trails, paths, and old streambeds, called "ranger roads", are used by the Night's Watch and free folk alike


Meereen fighting pits (S05E09)

Osuna Bullring, Spain


The Plaza de Toros was used to represent a Daznak's pit, the largest fighting pit in the Slaver’s Bay city of Meereen, where a spectacular fight scene takes place with incredible special effects, featuring hundreds of nobles, slaves and Khaleesi’s dragon. It’s clear that CGI (computer-generated imagery) was used, adding a couple extra layers of seats, to make the arena look bigger than it really is.


  Link Location Gps -5.1083397


Gps Coordinates  /  37.2418729,-5.1083397


Kingsroad (S01E02)

The Dark Hedges, Stranocum, Northern Ireland


Bran's fate remains in doubt; Ned leaves Westeros with his daughters; Jon Snow heads north to join the Night's Watch; Daenerys tries to learn how to please her new husband.


  Link Location Gps -6.3830536


Gps Coordinates  /  55.1358126,-6.3830536


Iron Bank of Braavos (S01E01)

St Jacob Cathedral, Sibenik, Croatia


The Iron Bank of Braavos is a bank in the Free City of Braavos. It is arguably the most powerful financial institution in the known world, with clients across Essos and Westeros, including the government of the King of the Andals and the First Men who rules over the Seven Kingdoms.


   Link Location Gps 43.7358356


 Gps Coordinates  /  43.7358356,15.8892339


Prince Doran’s Palace (S05E02)

Real Alcázar, Seville, Spain


In this great hall, Ser Jaime Lannister sat with Prince Doran, Crown-Prince Trystane, Princess Myrcella, Ellaria Sand, a few of her Sand Snakes, Prince Oberyn's guard and others to discuss the release of Ser Bronn of the Blackwater. This scene takes place inside of the Ambassador's Hall (Salon de los Embajadores), the throne room of the original Arabic Palace at the Alcázar of Seville, in Spain.


   Link Location Gps -5.9915981


Gps Coordinates  /  37.3834467,-5.9915981


House of the Undying (S02E10)

Minceta Tower, Dubrovnik, Croatia


The House of the Undying is a location in Qarth. It is the headquarters of the Warlocks of Qarth. It is a large tower without any visible openings and surrounded by trees which are used to make Shade of the evening.


   Link Location Gps 42.643242


Gps Coordinates  /  42.643242,18.1088046


Daenerys meets the Maesters in Meereen (S06E09)

Cabo de Gata, Spain


The Second Siege of Meereen is a siege during the Liberation of Slaver's Bay. Following Daenerys Targaryen's capture of Meereen and emergence as its queen, the Good and Wise Masters of Astapor and Yunkai engage in a fight to support the Great Masters to retake the city and reinstall slavery in the last city that has abolished it.

   Link Location Gps -1.9089478


Gps Coordinates  /  36.9419236,-1.9089478


The Long Bridge (S02E06)

Roman bridge of Córdoba, Spain


The half of Volantis east of the Long Bridge is the older and richer part of the city, containing the Black Wall and the Temple of the Lord of Light. Foreigners are generally restricted to the western half of the city. The Long Bridge's gateway at its eastern end is an arch of black stone carved with sphinxes, manticores, dragons and other strange beasts. The road is barely wide enough for two carts to pass side by side. Buildings rise on either side of the roadway. In the centre of the bridge the hands of thieves and the heads of executed criminals are displayed by Volantene spearmen decorated with green tiger stripes.



   Link Location Gps -4.7792388


Gps Coordinates  /  37.8775614,-4.7792388



Daenerys & Khal wedding (S01E01)

Azure Window, Malta


In the aired pilot 'Winter Is Coming', Khal forced himself upon his new bride, with Daenerys seen to be visibly upset following their wedding night


   Link Location Gps 36.0522827


Gps Coordinates  /  36.0522827,14.1885291


Tower of Joy  (S06E03)

Castillo de Zafra


The Tower of Joy is a tower located on the northern edge of the Red Mountains of Dorne. This was the home of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark after they eloped and married in secret.



Link Location Gps -1.7057561


Gps Coordinates  /  40.8352249,-1.7057561


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