The Jungle from film Training Day was also called this during 1950's due to the landscape theme at the time, extras in film location lived in neighborhood
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Gps Coordinates / 34.0141084,-118.3445655
Film Location Training Day The Jungle VR Famous Locations
4132 Palmwood Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90008, USA
This is the famous "dead end" where in the movie "Training Day" Alonzo lives at the end of the street. The street is called "The Jungle" because of it's "one way in, one way out".
Entrance to "The Jungles" - Palmwood Dr. and Buckingham Rd. Los Angeles, Ca. 90008
Link Location Gps -118.3423812
Gps Coordinates / 34.0132398,-118.3423812
Critics claim Baldwin Village was given the nickname "The Jungle" long before the film "Training Day" or any gang affilliation with the neighborhood. The name stems from the plush landscaping used during it's development in the late 50's.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -118.3430481 / Gps Link -118.3431535 / Gps Link -118.3432588
Gps Coordinates / 34.0133603,-118.3430481 / 34.0133874,-118.3431535 / 34.0134144,-118.3432588
The founder of the Black P. Stones Bloods in Baldwin Village a.k.a. The Jungles, was on-set for all of the filming in his neighborhood, and allowed the producers to use his neighborhood in exchange for casting gang members.
Extras featured during those scenes actually lived in the neighborhood.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -118.3436588 / Gps Link -118.3437445 / Gps Link -000.000
Gps Coordinates / 34.0135599,-118.3436588 / 34.0136179,-118.3437445 / -118.3438283
During this common era These were not "projects", but rather working class folks with some section 8's mixed in. Police patrol was good, and apartments were generally well kept up.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -118.3439174 / Gps Link -118.3440163 / Gps Link -118.3440985
Gps Coordinates / 34.0137316,-118.3439174 / 34.0137888,-118.3440163 / 34.0138442,-118.3440985
Palmwood Drive is home to the residence of Eva Mendes's character, Sara. The location has been used for a handful of crucial sequences in the film.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -118.3440912 / Gps Link -118.3442567 / Gps Link -118.3443599
Gps Coordinates / 34.0138471,-118.3440912 / 34.0139489,-118.3442567 / 34.0140009,-118.3443599
Smiley's house - 1932 Thomas St. Los Angeles, Ca. 90031. The 2,168 square foot house was built in 1920.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -118.3444507 / Gps Link -118.3445655 / Gps Link -118.3445655
Gps Coordinates / 34.014049,-118.3444507 / 34.0141084,-118.3445655 / 34.0141084,-118.3445655
Parts of Training Day, including its explosive final act, were filmed on the Palmwood Drive cul-de-sac, a.k.a. “The Jungle,” in the Baldwin Village area of Los Angeles.
Meet and greet sequence involving Washington, Ethan Hawke and Mendes.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -118.3444619 / Gps Link -118.3445655 / Gps Link -118.3445655
Gps Coordinates / 34.0140587,-118.3444619 / 34.0141084,-118.3445655 / 34.0141084,-118.3445655
Little reality middle of the shoot when they noticed the 40 Crips (who live on the south side of Martin Luther King Boulevard in Los Angeles) and just as many Bloods (who live on the north) were in an intense stare down, with the cast and crew in the middle of it.
Jake takes a stand and leaves Alonzo empty-handed. 4142 Palmwood Dr, Los Angeles, California 90008, United States
Link Location Gps -118.3429433
Gps Coordinates / 34.0133321,-118.3429433
Black P. Stones Blood gang members were seen on the rooftops. Cle Shaheed Sloan, the gang technical advisor of Training Day, managed to get on screen real-life gang members from Rollin' 60 Crips, PJ Watts Crips, and B. P. Stones (a Bloods set). According to Fuqua, the actors and crew ended up receiving a warm welcome from local residents.