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Google Street Car passing mile wide freight Train Derailment within busy airports property full of army explosives, full story below

Train Crash Nevada Airport Crazy VR Locations

Link Location Gps  ← Find Best directions

 Gps Coordinates  /  41.1029412,-114.9026227


Train Crash Nevada Airport Crazy VR Locations

Freight Train Crash Dwight D. Eisenhower Hwy, Wells, NV 89835, USA


 This train crash had many army explosives, once the immediate crash the first responders were unsure what carriages had which cargo at time of the fiery crash, at one point during the dangerous fiasco it was rumored between information exchange that the cargo which caused the deadliest Beiruit explosion was on board the carriages on fire, Beirut's Ammonium Nitrate. Given the proximity between the crash and the airport first responders were at the scene quicker than the information that was trickling down how dangerous the cargo was they were approaching. I've attached a link to the story further verifying that breaking news 



Train Crash Nevada Airport Crazy VR Locations 1

Link Location Gps -114.9081273

Gps Coordinates  /  41.10217,-114.9081273

Freight Train Crash just before arriving at Wells Municipal Airport a mere few hundred feet away in the distance right there, i suppose they have to decide whether to return the damaged cargo and the other cargo possibly damaged from crash shock or just whistle dixie with a skip to the airport and hope nobody notices, probably flipping a coin in that repair vehicle you can see off in the distance.




Train Crash Nevada Airport Crazy VR Locations tmb1Train Crash Nevada Airport Crazy VR Locations tmb2Train Crash Nevada Airport Crazy VR Locations tmb3

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -114.8971427  /  Gps Link -114.897865  /  Gps Link -114.8983685

Gps Coordinates  /  41.1037118,-114.8971427  /  41.1036087,-114.897865  /  41.1035356,-114.8983685


Not much has been written about this crash on Dwight D. Eisenhower Hwy, Wells, NV 89835, USA its hard to tell if its a derailment crash or even terrorist event. Governments tend to hide terrosit events if they can because it tends to spur copy cat events, its a phenomana not fully understood but copy cat crimes do occur with terrorism and train derailments are likely targets. Only recently was a terrorist member of the Antifa group busted in a conspiracy to do just that. I'm sure this was just a natural accidents and nothing more to look into



Train Crash Nevada Airport Crazy VR Locations tmb4Train Crash Nevada Airport Crazy VR Locations tmb5Train Crash Nevada Airport Crazy VR Locations tmb6

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -114.8988633  /  Gps Link -114.8992521  /  Gps Link -114.8997302

Gps Coordinates  /  41.1034654,-114.8988633  /  41.103409,-114.8992521  /  41.103341,-114.8997302

This crash was captured by Google Maps car passing during Jun of 2019, you can see repair vehicles in the distance gathering data about the crash. After the near distance airport of Wells Municipal. This train was destined for Nevada then possibly California




Train Crash Nevada Airport Crazy VR Locations tmb7Train Crash Nevada Airport Crazy VR Locations tmb8Train Crash Nevada Airport Crazy VR Locations tmb9

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -114.9000125  /  Gps Link -114.9004042  /  Gps Link -114.9007715

Gps Coordinates  /  41.1033015,-114.9000125  /  41.1032472,-114.9004042  /  41.1031977,-114.9007715




Train Crash Nevada Airport

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