Come with Funnystash to the Nestle Water Deception in these Panorama 360 VR Directions
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Gps Coordinates / 43.6524584,-79.4439867
Nestle Water Theft Great Lakes Conspiracy Panorama 360 Pics
47-133 Sterling Rd, Toronto, ON M6R 2B2, Canada
The Nestle Deception
Mecosta County ground Zero bottling plant, only one view of it from Google Street-View, protestors have went as far as lighting explosives on some wells, or at least these are the claims this could very well be false flags, but at least either way the good people of Mecosta County are not being fooled by the mis-information lobbyists that are bought and paid for by Nestle. Fight the good Fight.
GPS Coordinate Directions / 43.5839016,-85.4668469
Nestle is allegedly draining the nutrient rich aquifer of the great lakes which is the life source of the Great lakes while the citizens of Flint Michigan drink poisoned lead water and who knows who else are drinking lead, they pay tax infrastructure for poisoned water. Nestle have been granted to pump 400 gallons of water per minute from aquifers that feed Lake Michigan to sell that water on at a cost back at them even The Government entirely cutting off Detroits water supply entirely and Nestle selling to the third world their own water supply all on the tax payers dime while they have no water, meanwhile living in an area with 20% of the world's fresh water. To add insult to injury Nestle don't have to pay anything to drain the great lakes aquifers dry, they then sell that water to the most desperate of people around the world in Africa most times that desperation is even as close as Michigan and Detroit with their own water supply while the poor drink lead water.
GPS Coordinate Directions / 44.2868196,-88.3252149
Obama famously refusing to drink the water live on Camera
He does this numerous times throughout his tour around the great lakes, The Government allows the people around the great lakes to be poisoned while Nestle gets rich
Nestle are currently and allegedly conspiring to own all the world's major water facilities and have taken over 70 of the most popular bottled water brands but does not like to speak about it’s conspiring water monopoly and regularly refuses interviews to talk about it especially when it comes to the Freshwater Great Lakes of the USA & Canada which nearby Nestle facilities are pumping out millions of square meters of water more each year. It takes around the amount of five bottles of water to create one, Water will become a scarce commodity in the near future with the global evaporation created by Global warming with share prices of fresh drinkable water soaring. Even at the moment trend fresh bottled water is a lucrative market
Places in Pakistan and Lagos this is already a reality where freshwater is a luxury due to evaporation and Nestle have made a presence in these areas with the brand “Nestlé Pure Life” as water begins to recede more with global evaporation companies like Nestle will have growing profits all the while abusing EPA (environmental Protection Agency) loopholes and building large bottled water plants nearby unsuspecting countryside residents unaware of the sheer suction power technology of these bottled plants and their sinister agendas
Nestle Incorporated at Lake Ontario
Nestle Incorporated at Lake Ontario unable to gear up and drink it dry due to the politics of Canada not playing ball with them, this “Great Lake” is split between Canada and the USA, meaning it isn’t simple enough for them just to begin mass hypnosis on the people to bottled water for something they were getting for free. However they are doing just that on the otherside of the border in the USA. But as everyone knows politicians are cheap to purchase their influence so it’s only a matter of time
Nestle making grounds in impoverished Lagos Africa where freshwater is scarce where only the rich can afford it, selling 1st world water to the 3rd world at a high price because normal citizens have to spend more than half their living wage earnings on health providing water, Selling the 3rd world water at 1st world prices. People have no idea exactly the allegedly true extent of Nestle's sinister intentions of nestle by conspiring to control the world’s water situated in quaint countryside villages have no idea their intentions to drink their water supplies dry and sell it to the 3rd world, so the next time you pass by a Nestle water bottling plant give it a second thought because there’s more than meets the eye