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IRS Conspiracy Occult origin locations and addresses foreign and domestic 360-s vr locations

IRS Government Conspiracy Secret Society Locations

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 Gps Coordinates  /  38.9494378,-76.8723776


IRS Government Conspiracy Secret Society Locations

Maryland USA

5048 Ellin Rd, Lanham, MD 20706, USA

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)


Legal purposes not my view but views of many other people. I need to say this, we’re mere expositionists, keep yer lawsuits away from me, these are others opinions

IRS Secret Society Occult

‘The IRS headquarters in New Carrollton, Maryland is a government building that, despite being constructed with public funds, contains art referring to elite secret societies. More importantly, the art conveys a strange message about the U.S. Constitution, and the American people in general. We’ll look at the symbolic meaning of the art found in front of the IRS headquarters in Maryland.



IRS Government Conspiracy Secret Society Locations 1

 Link Location Gps -76.8724672

Gps Coordinates  /  38.9502374,-76.8724672

"Washington Post"

“'The most striking elements are the huge, white marble hands atop each column. Each hand points skyward, one with the forefinger extended; the other is an open hand, the fingers ever so slightly cupped.

The 1997 work is called 'Vox Populi,' which is Latin for "the voice of the people.” The hand with the raised index finger represents deliberation, argument, the gesticulation of a speaker giving his or her opinion. The hand with an open palm represents the act of voting or taking an oath.'”

- The Washington Post, "The Big Hands of the Law"

Devil Horns emerging from the steam

Cross Road junction entrance Lobby with occult monument seen in the upper right corner distanced view, both on same screen

 Critics claim these are devil horns emerging from lakes of fire, funfact :- Bavaria where the Illuminati formed during wwII lakes actually boiled with munition fallout

IRS Government Conspiracy Secret Society Locations 2

 Link Location Gps -76.8721991

Gps Coordinates  /  38.9500402,-76.8721991

Horns of Horus

Horns of Horus, Horned deity. The religions people worship today have eerily similar storylines from ancient egypt and nobody resembles those storylines than the Pharaoh egyptian god of Horus. Many say it can be copied cut and pasted and have same undertones of our b.c past practiced today

symbolism means everything in this organization.  The two columns represent the two pillars of Solomon’s Temple. This blue ball is the globe, showing their plan to rule the world.  The “B” stand for Boaz (See reference at I-Kings 7:21) is what some say for legal purposes. Others opinions not mine, we aim to catalogue secret societies and opinionate very little, these quotes are from others and don’t necessarily represent our views but views from others






Ha-Bonim ha-Khofshiyim Square, Eilat Israel address to the Masonic monument in Eilat Israel



IRS Government Conspiracy Secret Society Locations 3

 Link Location Gps 29.5142767

Gps Coordinates  /  29.5142767,34.925143

Jerry Golden 2005

"This black ball has small gold dots it is a map of the stars in the sky having a meaning of which I am not certain.  And the “J” represents Jachin also found in I-Kings 7:21.   It should also be noticed that in all satanic worship Holy Scriptures is used or misused to suit their purposes."


Jerry Golden 2005

"This whole display is very bold and right in your face, nothing like the Supreme Court Building where the meaning are hidden from the average person"



 Same Illuminati temple found here in Israel that's also seen at the IRS building in Maryland

IRS Government Conspiracy Secret Society Locations 4

  Link Location Gps 29.5141086

Gps Coordinates  /  29.5141086,34.9249952

Roy G. Guttmann, a lawyer and the president of Lodge Muffelmann

"When I’m asked what Freemasonry is, I reply that it’s Scouts for adults," Guttmann said.




IRS Government Conspiracy Secret Society Locations 5

 Link Location Gps 29.5140028

Gps Coordinates  /  29.5140028,34.9250758


According to Haaretz, there are currently 50 masonic lodges in Israel subordinate to the Grand Lodge, with a total membership of about 1,200 brothers.


Roy G. Guttmann

"There is no one figure here that people worship or to whom they donate. It’s not a belief in a particular religion," Guttmann stated, adding that the organization accepts "brothers from the monotheistic religions."

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