Come with Funnystash to the Las Vegas 18b Graffiti Art in these Panorama 360s
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Gps Coordinates / 36.1605245,-115.1517061
Google Maps Street-View
2015 - April 2009
Welcome To Las Vegas 18b Art Graffiti Panorama VR
150-100 Coolidge Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89101, USA
This space begins with the "Welcome to Las Vegas" mural located at 1008 S 1st St Las Vegas, Nevada and wraps around the building to end with a piece by Aware SA. You can also leave a comment to them indentify unknown street artists by leaving a comment.
Link Location Gps -115.1513735
Gps Coordinates / 36.1603934,-115.1513735
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -115.1515546 / Gps Link -115.1519214 / Gps Link -115.1517413
Gps Coordinates / 36.1604761,-115.1515546 / 36.1606149,-115.1519214 / 36.1605577,-115.1517413
Las Vegas is a popular place for Street Art Graffiti so it only makes sense that there’s a welcome to Las Vegas mural. Where better located than an area actually called the Art District, Just off main Highway 15 you can make a little detour a stones throw from the main city limits of the glitz and glamour and pay tribute to the Las Vegas Graffiti Artists, a mere 15 minute stroll from Vegas Boulevard a must for Graffiti fans or just fans of any subculture movements
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -115.1519089 / Gps Link -115.1515325
Gps Coordinates / 36.1606288,-115.1519089 / 36.1604683,-115.1515325
18b Arts District Las Vegas Murals and Street Art - Welcome To Las Vegas Mural
Link Location Gps -115.1521427
Gps Coordinates / 36.1605495,-115.1521427
18b Arts District Las Vegas Murals and Street Art - Unidentified Street Artist
18b Arts District Las Vegas Murals and Street Art - Milk the Bunny
18b Arts District Las Vegas Murals and Street Art - Bicicleta Sem Freio
Link Location Gps -115.1515586
Gps Coordinates / 36.1605043,-115.1515586
18b Arts District Las Vegas Murals and Street Art - Unidentified Street Artist
18b Arts District Las Vegas Murals and Street Art - AtomSK
18b Arts District Las Vegas Murals and Street Art -Unidentified Street Artist
Aerial view from above Welcome To Las Vegas
Aerial View Of Welcome To Las Vegas 18b Art Graffiti