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Art Installation Slab City Californian Slummed desert

Slab City 2016 2021 Slum Art Installation Exhibition Virtual Tour

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 Gps Coordinates  /  33.2629925,-115.4659788


Slab City 2016 2021 Slum Art Installation Exhibition Virtual Tour

E Jesus Rd, Niland, CA 92257, United States



 Origins of this art Installation was In early 2007, Charlie Russell left his job in the technology industry, packed all his belongings into a shipping container, and sent it to a trash-strewn field, where he began to surround his two cars with sculptures. Russell, often called Container Charlie, renamed this settlement site East Jesus. He died in May 2011. The Chasterus Foundation, a 501 non-profit formed after his death in 2011, has since guided the curation and expansion of East Jesus. 


 One such volunteer referred to it, and Slab City as a whole, as a ‘salvagepunk’ ethos.

Slab City 2016 2021 Slum Art Installation Exhibition Virtual Tour 1

Link Location Gps -10.4641933

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 East Jesus is an experimental, sustainable and habitable art installation located in the Slab City area. There is no religious connotation in the name East Jesus it is a colloquialism for a place in the middle of nowhere beyond the edge of serviceability. The off-grid facility operates with no municipal utilities.

 Live-in staff give dozens of free tours, and hosted visiting artists and overnight guests.

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 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -115.4664011  /  Gps Link -115.4664249  /  Gps Link -115.4663581

Gps Coordinates  /  33.2625097,-115.4664011  /  33.2626298,-115.4664249  /  33.2626483,-115.4663581


 East Jesus features a variety of experimental art, such as live events, performance art, music, photography, and most prominently sculptures. Works are continually added, and degrade quickly in the desert climate, despite the presence of caretakers.


Gems like these places are where true mural artists love to visit

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 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -115.4677469  /  Gps Link -115.4662716  /  Gps Link -115.466198

Gps Coordinates  /  33.258308,-115.4677469  /  33.26266,-115.4662716  /  33.2627502,-115.466198



 East Jesus pieces are described as decaying, or growing, but always in a state of transformation, unlike traditional galleries; due both to the intense climate, and the thousands of contributing artists who have added to the installation.


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 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -115.4660427  /  Gps Link -115.4658203  /  Gps Link -115.4662617

Gps Coordinates  /  33.2627577,-115.4660427  /  33.2627029,-115.4658203  /  33.2628311,-115.4662617


The Range is an open-air nightclub complete with stage, lights, amplifiers, and speakers, with tattered couches and old chairs for seating. Every Saturday night at around dusk, locals and visitors meet for a talent show that features permanent resident musicians and anyone else who wants to get on stage and perform.



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 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -115.4662412  /  Gps Link -115.4660165  /  Gps Link -115.4659809

Gps Coordinates  /  33.2629062,-115.4662412  /  33.2628674,-115.4660165  /  33.2628982,-115.4659809



 The venue is run by old-time resident William Ammon, known as "Builder Bill". Ammon's wife, Robin Ammon, collected old prom dresses for people to wear, these are used when the community puts on a prom, because many residents have never been able to actually attend one.


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 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -115.4660069  /  Gps Link -115.4660758  /  Gps Link -115.4659788

Gps Coordinates  /  33.2628706,-115.4660069  /  33.2629883,-115.4660758  /  33.2629925,-115.4659788



Together, the inhabitants of East Jesus and offsite members provide a refuge for artists, musicians, survivalists, writers, scientists, laymen and other wandering geniuses. 


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 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -115.4653467  /  Gps Link -115.4660136  /  Gps Link -115.4696156


Gps Coordinates  /  33.2633333,-115.4653467  /  33.2630495,-115.4660136  /  33.2498174,-115.4696156


The Art Garden is open and free to the public, sunrise to sunset, 365 days a year. We are the only art museum in Imperial County and are run solely on donations.


Slab City 2016 2021 Slum Art Installation Exhibition Virtual Tour 2

Link Location Gps -115.4661697


Gps Coordinates  /  33.2625736,-115.4661697



- East Jesus Fund Raiser information below -
We have the opportunity to purchase the land East Jesus sits on. We must raise $90,000, or we risk having the land leased out from under us. Help us preserve and protect East Jesus with a tax-deductible gift.

Visit their website below and perhaps help their fundraiser :)


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