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Come with Funnystash to the Big D%ck Throwing Cogg Art in these Panorama 360s

Link Location Gps  ← Find Best directions


 Gps Coordinates  /  2.9254067,-75.2913111

Cogg Art Panoramics

 Cra. 3 #7a-43 a 7a-1, Neiva, Huila, Colombia



I salute you. This is my alter ego i’m drawn to this art, i believe this would actually be based on real life events in France if my memory serves me correctly. Sab was a word for shoe (slip-on) in France at the time and the textile industry wasn’t happy they were being replaced by 18th Century technology machinery so they threw their Sabs into the Machine's cogs and the name Saboteur was Born, very interesting how some names come around, but this isn’t France this is Colombia Named “Parque Principal” but we all have a little saboteur in us if we believe our livelihood is at risk, we all have a Saboteur in us.

Google Map of the Cogg


Link Location Gps -75.2912978


Gps Coordinates  /  2.9254191,-75.2912978


A view from the other side of the street in Google Maps

Link Location Gps -75.2905139


Gps Coordinates  /  2.9258933,-75.2905139



Aerial view from above

Aerial View of Throwing Cogg Art


  • Rural america we are coming