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Aerosol Arena 2014 Graffiti Art in these Panorama 360s

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Aerosol Arena 2014 Art Graffiti

 Aerosol - Arena appears to be a Graffiti hangout for Graffiti experts in Germany to hook up and trade design and knowledge


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Showcasing their work, Graffiti enthusiasts are kind of humble you'd have to show humility when you spend months days then hours completing your work with a chance of somebody re-covering your work or just flat plain destroying it so places like this allow Graffiti artists to legally showcase their work. 


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There's always a chance of their work being destroyed so they enjoy the opportunity to use a crane s it would be one hell of an effort to cover over your graffiti work without the assistance of a crane


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Maybe, just maybe these feel good social projects might backfire on the populace as urban Graffiti artists now appreciate the effort of hiring a crane for a few hours for a 70-foot daylight Graffiti project bold as brass at 4:00pm above of shoppers instead of the 4 feet under the rail bridge midnight guerrilla graffiti which they had grown used to

I so hope that happens, shopping around for milk with 60-feet Dan Aykroyd's everywhere would be awesome

Aerial view from above

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