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Come with Funnystash to these Political Cartoons in these Panorama 360s

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 Gps Coordinates  /  49.23396,28.469224


Political Cartoon Exhibition Ukraine Cartoon Drawing 360s

 Mykoly Ovodova St, 22, Vinnytsia, Vinnytsia Oblast, Ukraine, 21000



Amusing Political Cartoon Exhibit from the Ukraine where tensions are always hot involving Russia so where better to have controversial Cold annex war type provocative portraits of the strongmen of the region with the Russian President Vladimir Putin at the center of attention with no short of selections of mockery. Being provocative against Russia is extremely dangerous in Ukraine it's not uncommon for political assassinations and car bombs to take place, even Ukraine Ballet dancers are on the cards and are shot with sniper rifles for sympathizing with opposing sides the whole thing happening in Ukraine is insane so it takes bravery to mock leading political leaders in Eastern Europe, even if amusingly so. So please admire people for their bravery even if you do have opposing views, you should always have the right to challenge authority and admire the small men who mock the strong men of any region regardless of geography orientation


Link Location Gps 02

Ex President Angela Merkel with her pre-predictions of Europe with her catastrophic decisions, i like that one

Link Location Gps 03

More Vladimir Putin cartoon art

Link Location Gps 04



The message of the exhibition is not to provoke, offend or insult, even though political cartoons can bring up strong emotions. This exhibition is an example of the basic freedom of expression. Our elected leaders are responsible for their actions and as public figures they must stand the critical opinions of media and journalists. After all, they have been elected to serve and not to rule.
View the art Gallery in Ukraine Oblast on Google Maps also here
Gps Coordinates  /  49.23396,28.469224
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