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Come with Funnystash to the Artists Kozyndan with these NY and SF Gallery 360 VR Experiences

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It is, we think, our interpretation of a most basic of platitudes: "Love can change the world!" Although in this case, it is the new found love is between two giant land-locked magical sea slugs, out on their first date in the streets of Soho. Everywhere they go the world becomes more vibrant, more alive. Some people notice the change, and some do not, but we are all in some way affected.

Amorous Nudibranchs Paint The Town Red New York Kozyndan


Link Location Gps 02


SARS San Francisco's Chinatown Kozyndan

Link Location Gps 03


This panoramic depicts the imaginary history of the Yum Cha militia's (an old chinese ladies' auxiliary group that most spends it time playing mah jong and gossiping, but which rises to the occasion when called upon) defense of San Francisco's Chinatown from gleeful marauding SARS viruses. Armed only with dim-sum the brave women pushed back the invaders to keep San Fran free of the disease. This went almost entirely unknown to most of the public, but this was of little concern to the militia - they just wanted to get back to gossiping…

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